Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Alex's First Day @ Mother's Day Out

Well today Alex started back to Mother's Day Out. We bought him a new "CARS" backpack and packed him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then we were on our way. I was afraid that he was going to cry because he has been very clingy lately but once we got there I think that he knew because he ran right into the room and started playing with the other kids and toys :)

A Neighborhood Friend?????

NOT!!! I found this snake this morning on the deck. Panicked I called Justin to kill it because Rob was working so he came over and killed it. I know that it is only a baby snake but what scare me is is there a momma snake nearby?????

Who LoVeS ALEX?????

My sweet in-laws bought this playset for Alex. We will eventually take it outside but for now it going to stay in the house because it's another thing to keep Alex busy. Alex just loves it!!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Reading with Alex!!!!!

Rob and I try to read Alex a book at night before he goes to bed and on this particular night Alex just loved this book entitled "Let's go to the Zoo". He is learning sounds of animals and we are trying to teach him his numbers.

Loving on Piggy!!!!!

Alex still loves his piggy and here is a video that shows it!!!!