Thursday, June 18, 2009

Praise You in this Storm!!!

Alexa is still having apnea spells with bradycardia and still isn't feeding very well. She now has a upper respiratory infection so she isn't allowed any visitors except Mommy and Daddy. With everything that is going on with Alexa, God is truly the only one who can carry us through the storms of life. I just have to remember that He is there for Rob and I and all we need to do is pray regardless of any storm that is brought forth. Continue to pray for healing on Alexa so that we can bring her home soon.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Major Setback :(

Yesterday Alexa had a major setback and had a apnea spell while I was holding her. She had gone 2 days without a spell. In order for her to go home she has to go 5 days without a spell and nipple 8 bottles and yesterday she was 0 for 6 :(

Alexa sucking on her fingers!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Update on Alexa

Alexa is still learning to nipple but she didn't have any apnea spells last night or today soooooo praise GOD!!!!! I just feel physically exhausted and am still recovering from my c-section so pray that I get some strength.




Monday, June 8, 2009

The Birth of Alexa Isabella Castillo

There is soooo much to update and like I said in my previous post there is not a day that goes by that I do not recognize and remind myself how incredibly blessed I am. I praise the Lord for His blessings in my life, especially for my little Alexa Isabella who was born on May 31st 6 weeks early. My water broke that morning at 5 and I headed to Presby in Dallas where I was on bedrest for 2 weeks for preterm labor. By the time I got to Presby I was 4cm dilated and yes indeed my water was broken. An hour later I was 6cm dilated and I was planning on an elective c-section because of the complications I had with Alex (episiotomy, forceps delivery, 4th degree and hematoma) so they hurried and got me ready for the c-section. By the time I got back there I was already 8cm and the contractions were getting very painful. Alexa was born at 9:18 a.m. pink and crying. All babies born less than 35 weeks gestation go to the NICU so as soon as she was born they took her to the NICU. I was able to see her as soon as my recovery was over and she just looked so perfect. She was a BIG girl for her gestation weighing in at 6lbs and 11ozs and was 19 3/4 inches. She initially had trouble nippling so they feed her via feeding tube. That night she began having periods of apnea (where she quits breathing for greater than 20 seconds)so she required oxygen via nasal cannula. Alexa stayed in the NICU for a week and finally moved to the special care nursery on Sunday. She is still having trouble nippling and a occupational theraptist is still working with Rob and I but she seems to breastfeed awesome. Her apnea spells seems to be less and less and each new day. We are hoping to have her home by next week.

The day before I delivered- 34 weeks