Saturday, August 22, 2009

:) Smiles from Alexa :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Foto of the Day :)


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Circus 2009

This past weekend we took Alex to his first circus. We went to see Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey at the American Airlines Center. We all had a blast and can't wait for next year.

Alex's favorite part of the circus were the elephants.

BIG BROTHER little sister

2 Months

Alexa's 2 month check up went really well except for the fact the peditrician was really concerned with the mutliple birthmarks Alexa has. She has a total of 7 birthmarks. The peditrician measured her birthmarks and throughout her next visits he will measure them to make sure they are not getting bigger.
Here are her stats:
Weight- 9lbs 14 oz (22%)
Length- 22in. (31%)
Head Circ.-14.8in. (15%)

After her visit we went to Claire's and got her ears pierced. She was already upset from the 3 shots she received at her DR visit so the piercing made her even more upset. Rob picked out pink flowers since it seems everything she wears is pink.