Monday, April 27, 2009

Update on Alexa's Room :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter started with egg hunting at the community wide easter egg hunt at the park. The park was divided up by age groups and it seemed like Alex was one of the tallest one in his age group. He knew exactly what to do and ended up grabbing 35 eggs. Then later on that evening we went to Amy's for a delicious brisket dinner and also hunted more eggs. Then on Sunday we went to church where Alex won a huffy bike. He is a little to big for it so we will have to save it and then we went to Rob's parents and they also cooked brisket for lunch and enjoyed another egg hunt. Alex got some much candy that I ended up throwing some of it away.

A Work in Progress

Rob and I have been busy decorating Alexa's room. We finished painting, putting up the wall border, putting together the dresser drawer and putting up the crib. Now we just have to put up the wall decorations and rearrange the room. SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Random Pics!!!

This morning Alex was in a good mood and wanted his pic taken so here is some random pics of him.

26 Weeks :)

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I had my 26 week DR appointment yesterday and Alexa is growing well. She was head down so hopefully she stays that way so that I won't have to have a C-Section. The heartburn is back and I am not sleeping well at night but I try not to cpmplain about it because I thank God everyday for this pregnancy. Alex is starting to realize now that my belly is getting bigger that he is going to have a baby sister. Our goal next week is to start painting the nursery. I am soooo anxious to get it all down and see how it is going to turn out.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bluebonnets 2009