Friday, November 28, 2008


As I was surrounded by family and friends yesterday for Thanksgiving dinner, I realized I have soooo much to be thankful for this holiday season. I am soooo thankful for the newest addition that will be joining us sometime around July 11th. Rob and I have struggled with getting pregnant on our own and finally got pregnant with Alex using fertility treatments and we tried again in August doing the same fertility treatment (intrauterine insemination) but it did not take. Needless to say Rob and I were very disappointed but we understand that it wasn't God's will that time and looking back now I was under alot of stress and cut back my hours at work. We were planning on doing another IUI in November but we actually got pregnant on our own. We had out first DR visit Wednesday that confirmed that I am about 7 weeks but I have already gained 6 pounds and I have noticed that I have a little tummy now and my clothes are already getting tighter and this pregnancy has been very different with Alex. I have had alot of nausea and fatigue all the time. I will go back to the DR on Thursday to do a sonogram to rule out a twin pregnancy since twins do run in my family and Rob and 2 sets on his side. Please pray for a healthy pregnancy without all the complication that I experienced with Alex. I think that I can do away with the seizures this time.