Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

I am now 18 weeks and doing just GREAT!!!!!! The heartburn is getting better but I did have the flu about 2 weeks ago so I did not gain any weight at my DR visit on Wednesday. I had a sonogram also on Wednesday and she is growing right on target and at that time was measuring about 17 weeks and 4 days. The estimated weight at that time was 7 ounces. She was very active and the sonographer even asked me if I had a Dr.Pepper before my visit because she was so active. The sonographer also said that she was going to be tall because her femur was long and we saw her open her hands multiple times which indicates that she does not have down syndrome. Rob has always loved the name Isabella and I love the names Cassidy and Alexah so was decided we are going to name her Alexah Isabella Castillo and nickname her Bella. We are just sooooo excited.